Irrespective of the troubles around us and the news we daily receive, we should never allow fear to rule our lives or even gain an entrance into our hearts.

I don’t know the faith you profess or what religion you practise as a person, but I believe every faith and religion in one way or another points to God and portrays Him as the Creator of all things and the Most Powerful Being in the universe.

I also know that every faith and all holy books show God as a loving God who cares for His people, protects them from danger, answers their prayers and has the power to prevent them from being infected with deadly diseases and can heal those who are already infected.

The times of fear like this is the time to test your faith, this is the time to test yourself and know whether you truly believe in that God you say you serve and believe in all the while. This is the time to know whether you truly know that God or you’re merely carrying books about that you have no faith in.

However, if you are a Christian like I am, this is the time to test yourself and know whether you truly believe in the God of the Bible and know Him whom you serve or you’re merely serving Him with your lips while your heart is very far from Him.

Your titles and position in church do not matter at this time, what matters is how well you stand on God’s Word and believe what He says; how strong is your faith? If you truly have faith in God, you shall know and those around you shall now know, at this time.

This is the time to know whether you’re only going to church or only preaching His Word without believing a single thing you hear or say, or truly believe the God you have grown to know and serve for long and tell people about.

Fear and faith cannot live in the same heart at the same time. You either have faith or you have fear. You can’t believe in God and still be afraid of a virus at the same time because of what people are saying around the world. You are either standing on God’s Word or you’re standing on men’s words.

We must take precautions as have been instructed. We must do every necessary natural thing that the medical world has advised we do as long as they don’t violate the Word of God and the faith we speak. But, while that is on, we must never fear anything but focus on what the Bible says.

Now, what does the Bible say, or what does God say in His Word will happen to you at a time like this when the world will panic and people would be falling like leaves from the tree and dying like rats that ate poison?

The Bible says so many things in many places that assure you and I that nothing of such shall happen to us and those we care about if we believe and if remind ourselves of what God has promised and how to stand on it and use our faith in times like this. But let me show you one of those things.

The Bible says in Psalms 91:1 that “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” To dwell in the secret place of the Most High means to be in a place where you or people study the Word of God and pray, and obey the Word.

That means if you read your Bible, believe the Bible and speak to God in the name of Jesus Christ, you’re already dwelling in the Secret Place of the Most High. If you’ve not been doing that, start now.

Read on and learn more. As you read this piece that contains the Word of God and follow the instructions in it, reading what the Bible says, and believe in it, you’ve already started coming into the Secret Place of the Most High.

Now, it means you’re now under the shadow of the Almighty. What does that mean?

It is like when you’re sitting under the shade of a mighty tree during a scorching sun, you’ll be protected from the hotness of the sun and have coolness and comfort all around you while others who are under the sun are feeling the heat of the sun and sweating profusely.

But, for you not to be affected by the sun, you must remain, abide, under the shade of that tree while the sunshine lasts.

So, start reading, studying, thinking, speaking and doing the Word of God. That is the only thing that will keep you safe from being scorched by the hotness of the sun of the evil virus and any disease at this time, and at every time.

Remember, take all necessary precautions as prescribed by Godly medicines, and all Godly preventive measures as instructed by the governments of your country, and while doing that, take the greatest preventions and precautions of them all, keep dwelling in the Secret Place of the Most High, keep abiding under the Shadow of the Almighty, never leave.

You do that by reading the Bible, studying the Bible, thinking the Bible, doing the Bible and speaking the Bible. What does the Bible say will happen to you and won’t happen to you as a Child of the Most High God? That’s what you should focus upon, not what people are saying will or can happen irrespective of who is saying it or where it is coming from.

As long as you do that and keep doing it, no evil can and shall happen to you. If and when natural precautions and preventions fail, nothing will still happen to you except good and great things because the supernatural precautions and preventions can never and will never fail.

Man is limited, but God is unlimited. And that unlimited God is your Father. Believe what He says about you. Believe what He tells you. Accept what He says about you and follow whatever He tells you as He says it. Don’t bother about what you see or hear, just focus upon what God says and instructs you to do or not do.

If you could eagerly expect to hear from and follow precautions and instructions given to you by man, mere mortals, on how to prevent yourself from being infected by the virus, how much more God who created you and every humans on earth?

If what man tells you to do or not do works, then what God tells you to do and not do will work more. Focus on God. Focus on what God says in His Word. Don’t allow fear to make you to lose your faith in your Maker. Enter, Remain and Abide Under the Shadow of the Almighty.

If for any reason you feel any concerns or fear knocks at your door, open your Bible now, read Psalm 91:1-16. Accept what it says in totality.

If you can, read it 3 to 7 times into water in the morning or as you wish, and bath with that water. Let your household bath with the water. Do that every morning while the plague lasts if you want. Send this to other people you care about too.

No evil shall befall you! No evil shall befall your partner! No evil shall befall your parents! No evil shall befall your children! No evil shall befall your members! No evil shall befall your helpers! No evil shall befall anyone you care about in JESUS Name!

And, in case you’ve not given your life to JESUS CHRIST, do that right now. Just lay your right hand on your chest and say, “Lord Jesus, I Accept, Believe and Confess You As My Personal Lord and Saviour Today, and I Receive Your Divine Protection Against and Over Every Virus, Disease and Plague, and Declare That No Evil Shall Happen to Me and Anyone I Care About Today or in the Future in JESUS Name! Amen!

If need be, WhatsApp or talk to me at +2347030371153.


Founder, The King’s People Connection & Happy Marriage Training Programme

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