Consultation Services

spiritual consultation


Our Spiritual Consulting Services Include Helping You to Know How to Get Saved, Grow in Christ, Receive the Holy Ghost Baptism and Speak in a New Tongue, and Stop Falling into Sin.

We Also Help You to Know How to Believe God for and Receive Divine Healing in Your Body, Be Delivered from Satan, Demons and the Powers of Darkness, Live a Holy Life, Manifest the Power of God to Help Yourself and Other People, Obey God and Follow His Will, Study the Word of God and Understand the Scriptures.

Our Spiritual Consulting Services Fall Under the Ministry Aspect of Our Works and It Is Free of Charge.

You May However Give to Appreciate Us and Support the Work We Do, Whether Immediately, Later, Occasionally or Consistently.

You May Also Become One of Our Partners Who Give Periodically to Support the Work, Sponsor Our Projects, Finance Our Programmes and Support Our Free of Charge Teachings and Training.

You Can Partner with Us by Paying for the Training Fees of and on Behalf of Some Participants, So They Enjoy the Training without Paying for It from Their Pockets.

You May Also Sponsor the Free Distributions of Some Helpful Materials Such as Books, Audio, Videos etc., to People in Certain Places and at Certain Periods.

For Spiritual Consulting, Partnership and Sponsorship, 

Please WhatsApp or Call +2347030371153

 Only Between 7:00am and 10:00am, Monday to Friday.


Our Personal Consulting Services Fall Under the Business Aspect of Our Works and It Involves Helping You or Anyone to Know How to Discover Your Life Purpose, Develop Your Life Vision or a Vision for a Specific Period of Your Life, Know What Course to Choose or Study in School, and Create a Vision for a Specific Area of Your Life Regarding Who You Are and What You Do and Desire.

We Also Help You to Know How to Pursue and Achieve Your Vision for Life or Vision Per Time, Solve a Particular Problem in Your Life, Studies or Work, Help You Get Direction in Times of Confusion, Give You Needed Motivation Whenever You Need Such for Any Legal, Moral and Godly Reason You Might Have, and Boost Your Morale When You Feel Emotionally Down or Helpless.

We Can Help Guide You through to Get Out of a Difficult Situation in Life, Know What to Do When Ways Seem Blocked, Free Yourself from Any Fear You Have as a Result of a Current or Past Ugly Occurrence or Situation in Your Life or Around You, and Know How to Help Yourself in Life or Help Others Around You.

We Can Help You Discover Your Gifts, Talents or Special Abilities, Develop Confidence in Yourself or for a Particular Task or Purpose, Set Your Life Goals for a Year or a Particular Period, Preview Your Future and Plan Towards It, and Review Your Life and Achievements or Relevance in Life from the Past.

We Can Help You and Others Boost Your Self Esteem, Stop Harmful or Suicidal Thoughts That Come to Your Mind as a Result of One or No Reason, Improve Your Character or in a Particular Aspect of Your Life, Analyse Your Life and Understand Yourself Better, Know How to Better Relate with People Around or Beyond You, Heal from a Past Unpleasant Experience in Your Life That Now Negatively Affects You, and Anything That Has to Do with You as a Person and What You Do or Want in Life.

For a Personal Consulting, 

Call or WhatsApp +2347030371153

 Between 10:00am and 6:00pm, Monday to Friday.


Our Marital Consulting Falls Under the Business Aspect of Our Works. Here We Help You and Any Married Person Know How to Have a Happy or Happier Marriage.

We Schedule Series of One-on-One Consulting Sessions with You During Which We Shall Ask Many Questions to Obtain Every Necessary Information That Can Help Us Work with You to Achieve Your Marriage Goals, Analyse the Situation from the Past into the Present Condition, Preview the Future of Your Marriage Based on the Marriage’s History and Present, Discover the Solution to the Situation, and Give Appropriate Step-by-Step Recommendations That Will Bring You the Needed Change into Your Marriage Beyond Your Bargain.

We Have Worked with and for Persons from Different Nations and Parts of the World and Everyone Who Follows Our Recommendations Have Great Testimonies. Some Were Surprised at How Fast the Change Occurred When They Did What We Told Them, and We Have At Times Had Their Spouses Communicating with Us to Appreciate Us for the Changes Witnessed in Their Lovers and Marriage.

Irrespective of the Current Condition of Your Marriage, a Positive Change Can Occur If We Work with You and If You Follow Our Recommendations to You.

We Can Work with Either You as the Husband or Wife Who Is in Need of a Change in Your Marriage, or Jointly with the Couple Where Both the Husband and Wife Consult Us about the Situation in Your Marriage or Both Agree to the Work.

We Can Also Work with You in a Situation Where Either One or the Couple Desires a Divorce, and Help Analyse the Situation of That Marriage to See Whether There Are Remedies or Not.

Where We Discover the Possibilities of Remedies to the Marital Situation, We Inform the Client(s) and If Agreements Are Reached, We Work with the Available Couple(s) and Give Recommendations for the Salvation and Transformation of the Marriage.

Sometimes We Recommend and Take Clients through Specific Marriage Training for a Specific Period That Helps Them Better Understand the Situation, Discover What Is Missing and Make Necessary Adjustments That Give Them Their Original Marital Desire and Turn a Chaotic Marriage into a Happy and Successful Marriage.

We Believe a Happy Marriage Is Possible for Anyone and Everyone If They Possess the Right Knowledge and Take the Right Actions, and Repeat Same Continually. Your Marriage Shall Work (Again) and You Shall Be Glad for It.

For Marital Consulting,

WhatsApp or Call Us to +2347044558444,

 Monday to Friday, 10:00am to 6:00pm, and Let the Work Begin at Once.


Our Family Consulting Services Fall Under the Business Aspect of Our Works. Here We Help You Know What to Do and How to Improve the Relationship Between You and Your Children, Siblings, Parents, In-laws, Cousins, Nieces, Nephews, Uncles, Aunties and Other Family Relations or Resolve Conflicts, Increase Cooperation and Work Hand-in-Hand with Necessary Family Members to Achieve Your Family Desire.

We Help You Bring Peace and Unity to a Chaotic or Divided Family and Also Prevent or Settle Family Quarrels Or Help You Know How to Do Same.

For Family Consulting, 

Call or WhatsApp +2347044558444, 

10:00am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday.


Our Relationship Consulting Services Fall Under the Business Aspect of Our Works. Here We Help You as an Unmarried Person or a Single Individual Know How to Know the Right Person to Marry, Improve Your Premarital Relationship, and Know and Choose the Best Between Two or More Marriage Prospects.

We Also Help You Know How to Review Your Relationship Journey with Anyone, Peacefully Breakup a Relationship That Should Not Be or Has No (Happy) Future, Know If Someone Truly Loves You or Not, Resolve Your Relationship Conflict with Your Partner, Improve Communication, and Answer Any Relationship Questions You May Have.

We Help You See or Know How Your Future and Marriage Would Look Like If You Marry a Particular Person, Guide You to Planning and Preparing Yourself Towards Having a Happy Future Regarding Marriage, and Help You Know How Not to Repeat Your Parents’ or Other People’s Marriage Mistakes.

We Can Guide You on How to Prepare for and Plan Your Wedding and Make It an Excellent One Irrespective of How High or Low Your Budget Is, Know What to Expect within the First Few Days, Weeks and Months of Your Married Life and Adequately Prepare for It Ahead of Time, and How to Manage and Control Your Habits or Anger in Your Relationship, and Anything That Has to Do with Premarital Relationship.

Our Relationship Consulting Services Also Include Helping You or Anyone Know How to Improve in Your Relationship with Other Persons Such As Your Fellow Students, Friends, Your Landlord, Tenants, Colleagues, Boss, Leaders, Employers, Employees, Lecturers, Students, Staff, and Everyone or Anyone Who Relates with You, Including How to Relate with Strangers.

For Relationship Consulting, 

Call or WhatsApp +2347044558444, 

10:00am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday.


Our Business Consulting Focuses on Helping You or Anyone to Know How to Start Your Own Business, What Kind of Business Is Best and Will Be Most Profitable to You Based on Certain Factors, How to Grow Your Business Using Your Various Kinds of Relationships and How to Build, Pursue and Achieve Your Business Gaols, Purpose, Visions, and Stand Out from Amongst Others.

For Your Business Consulting, 

Call or WhatsApp +2347044558444, 

10:00am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday.


Our Career Consulting Service Helps You to Know How to Choose the Right Career Suitable to You, How to Build Your Career Visions, Pursue and Achieve Them, and How to Be the Best You Can Be at What You Do and Where You Work.

We Also Train and Help Business and Company Staff Develop Capacity, Improve in Their Loyalty to the Company, Increase Their Commitments to the Business, and Yield the Best Outputs for Both Themselves and the Company.

Also, We Help Individuals Know How to Succeed and Produce Results without Jeopardising Other Important Aspects of Their Lives, and Keep Good Balance Between Their Career, Marriage, Parenting and Family.

For Your Career Consulting, 

Call or WhatsApp +2347044558444, 

10:00am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday.